Iolair Yarn - a new hand dyed yarn

Iolair Yarn - a new hand dyed yarn

Iolair Yarn - new hand dyed luxurious yarn, inspired by Scottish landscapes
Tagged: yarn


The Pittenweem is shop reopening - by appointment only! All the details here.
Tagged: news
Pom Pom Quarterly

Pom Pom Quarterly

Pom Pom Quarterly is a rich and detailed quarterly magazine. Read more here and check out the new 2020 summer issue!
Tagged: patterns
intarsia - a beginners guide in 10 tips

intarsia - a beginners guide in 10 tips

top tips for intarsia beginners
Tagged: top tips
a virtual community

a virtual community

Ways to stay in touch with other Woolly Brewers during the shops temporary closure.
Tagged: news
how to use stitch markers...

how to use stitch markers...

a handy guide to using our favourite fixed ring stitch markers from Fripperies & Bibelots
Tagged: top tips
new website

new website

New website launch!  In response to COVID-19, The Woolly Brew has a new website.  It has all the shop samples and chat... and you can buy stuff!
Tagged: news