Woolly brew shop in Pittenweem

It’s here! The Woolly Brew has a new website.

The Woolly Brew has always been focussed on the Pittenweem shop. Since we opened in 2011, Karen and I tried to be the best brick and mortar that we could be. To give the best yarn shop experience of colours, textures, samples and lots of chat and help.  That ambition did not change when Karen left in 2017.

Unfortunately, with COVID-19 I have had to temporarily close the shop and it’s uncertain when and in what format I will be able to reopen. And so, I’ve created this website to bring the Pittenweem shop to you.

I’ve added our most popular yarns, tools and patterns. I’m also adding our shop samples, with links to yarns and patterns where possible.

Not everything that is in the shop is listed on this website, but I hope you like what you see and you find what you’re looking for.  

If you find any broken links, contradictory information or something that’s missing, please let me know. You can use the contact form here.

Obviously we’re all still working under restrictions which affect everyone. All my suppliers, whether large international organisations or solo makers,  have been impacted.  And delivery services, like the Royal Mail, are working in extraordinary conditions. Please be patient. Take care. Stay safe!



Fiona Wright
Tagged: news